Dr. Munson offers appointments both in-person and online. If you are currently a resident of California or Florida, telehealth may be an option. A limited number of beach therapy appointments are offered.
Please contact Dr. Munson to learn more during an informational phone consultation. You may complete the form below or choose to be in touch by phone or email.
11990 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 250
Los Angeles, California 90049
Services are available for scheduling to adults (18-years or older). Please do not provide contact information if you live outside the United States. Consultations are informational only and in no way constitute a doctor-client relationship. Consultations are not a therapy session. If you are experiencing a psychiatric or medical emergency, please use emergency resources such as 911. Grow True Psychology, Professional Corporation, and/or Dr. Samantha Munson are not a referral for emergency resources. By contacting Dr. Samantha Munson at Grow True Psychology by phone, email, or contact form, you agree to the Privacy Policy and all Terms of Use.