The Many Forms of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day may hold many meanings. Some may be celebrating while others may be grieving. No matter what unique experience we may be having this Mother’s Day, we can take the opportunity to support ourselves exactly as we are today. We consider three holistic approaches to self-care including embracing community, making space for emotion, and practicing gratitude.
Creating Meaningful Relationships
Creating meaningful relationships that add to our happiness and fulfillment in life can be challenging. Anxiety, fear, and self-criticism may stand in the way at times. We explore three general tips that can support cultivating meaningful relationships.
On Valentine’s Day, We can Buy Ourselves Flowers
Regardless of your relationship status, Valentine’s Day can be a day of celebrating you! In the spirit of self-love, we explore holistic ways we can show ourselves some love, including buying ourselves flowers.
Myth: “My Relationship Shouldn’t Have Conflict”
It is a myth that a “good” relationship does not have conflict. To the contrary, conflict is a normal part of a committed romantic relationship. We shift the focus from eliminating conflict to managing conflict, and consider conflict management strategies. *Please note that "conflict" in this blog refers to everyday issues and does not include abuse of any kind.
Compassionate Communication Skills for the Holidays
Communicating can be challenging! We may feel pulled to ‘keep it in’ or swing the other way and ‘lash out.’ In our latest blog, we consider an alternative. We consider steps to engaging in non-violent communication - a communication process that encourages compassion. These steps may be what you’re looking for at the next holiday gathering!